Sign up for a produce share

What is my commitment?
We ask that you aim to commit to Canalside Community Food for a full growing season (i.e. one year) when taking a produce share subscription. This gives us financial stability, allowing us to make planting plans. It also means that you experience the full range of fruit and veg that we grow and the diversity of the different seasons. The subscription is on-going from the date it starts.
If you do need to leave Canalside, we ask for 2 months notice so that we can find someone else to take up your share of the harvest.
We encourage produce share members to help out with the growing work at 3-4 work mornings a year to help keep our labour costs, and in turn the cost of our shares, down. All members have the opportunity to join in with  our bi-weekly work mornings and big seasonal work tasks: the work mornings allow you to meet other members and learn about where your food comes from and the process for growing it. We also welcome help with our publicity stalls, education project visits and members’ social events as valuable contributions to our work.

What should I do next?
To help you get a feel for whether the produce share will work for you, we ask you to take a one month trial produce share in the first instance to get an idea of what it is like to get seasonal, locally grown fruit and veg. The one month trial includes membership of Canalside for the period of the trial.

We are currently holding a waiting list, involving a wait time of somewhere around 3+ months – completing the form on the trial share page will put you in the waiting list (more detailed current information is always on the trial share page).

If you are a returning member, you will also need to complete the form on the trial share page to express interest in a produce share. This will put you in the waiting list and we will contact you when a space becomes available for you.

Updated 9th April 2024