
We offer three produce share options:

Large – mostly suits families, and some couples
Medium – mostly suits couples/smaller families; suits some individuals who eat a lot of veg
Small – mostly suits individuals, or couples who are not routinely cooking at home

If you eat all your meals from home, and include a lot of veg in your meals, you can expect to need a bigger share size.

If you buy other produce from elsewhere, or eat a small amount of veg, or don’t routinely cook at home (e.g. buy lunch each day) you may need a smaller share size.

If collecting from the farm:

Size of Share Price (per month) produce + membership fee Cost per week for produce on the basis of at least 50 shares per year Membership fee (per month)
Large £94.50 £21.96 £3
Medium £71 £16.32 £3
Small £49 £11.04 £3

If collecting from our collection point near Leamington train station, monthly share price is as listed above, plus £6 per month packing and delivery charge.

Shares are paid for by monthly direct debit on the 1st of the month. The social membership fee is included in your monthly direct debit – £3 for standard membership, £1.50 for concessionary membership for pensioners, those on benefits and for other low-income households

* Please note, we do not offer a weekly payment option.

Share members also have the opportunity to contribute to the work at the farm; each household is encouraged to do 3-4 mornings per year. You can help on any of our work mornings throughout the year (on Wednesdays and Saturdays, between 10am and 1pm). This mainly involves manual work in the vegetable fields and fruit orchard, e.g. weeding, harvesting etc.  If, however, you do not feel you would be able to do such physical work, there are other options open to you, e.g. working on our publicity stalls, helping out at social days, assisting with visits under our education project, delivering leaflets etc.  Please let us know if this applies to you; we can find other ways for you to help out if you are able to.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you wish to cancel your share subscription with us, we ask that you give us  2 months’ notice.  This is to allow time to find someone else to take up your share of the harvest.

Sign up for a 1-month trial share – a great way to find out which size of share would suit your household best!

Updated 13th May 2024