The Produce

Our produce share members subscribe to Canalside, paying a monthly amount (according to their chosen share size) and receiving a weekly share of the harvest. A trial share is available for new members to find out if our system will work for them.

Our central aim at Canalside is to grow a wide range of vegetables throughout the year, with the addition of fruit when in season. We believe in producing and supplying only what is available from Canalside land at any time of the year and we work year-round to make a share as varied as possible from week to week whilst still only harvesting our own in-season produce. Therefore we do not intend to try and compete with supermarkets or even local, ethical food shops (such as Gaia) at the job of sourcing organic out-of-season fruit and veg. However, we strongly believe that we offer exellent value for money when compared like-for-like against organic produce of the season sold by local retailers (and we regularly check this too).

As a result, your share in the harvest will be different from one week to the next. In mid to late summer, when a wide range of vegetables and fruit are ready to harvest, a share will be bountiful and extremely varied, containing all kinds of vegetables – leafy ones, roots, fruiting vegetables – along with fruits from our orchard, including plums, early apples and soft fruit. In contrast, it is a hard task to grow produce to be harvested in late April, May and early June; this period is often dubbed the ‘Harvesting Gap’. At that time of year a share may be smaller, with fewer varieties of vegetables, and rhubarb the only ‘fruit’ available.

See Shares of the harvest and Canalside produce through the year to have a look at what you might be able to expect to receive as part of your produce share in the different seasons.

Updated 15th March 2019