
Volunteering opportunities are open to all members of Canalside, whether you are a social member, a produce share member or a land investment member.

Regular volunteering opportunities:

  • Weekly work mornings led by a grower or regular, experienced volunteer on Wednesdays, 10am-1pm – members are welcome to participate as often as they like. We encourage all produce share members to try to do 3-4 work mornings per year.
  • Saturday volunteer events – every 3-6 weeks, from 10am, with social activities alongside.

Occasional volunteering opportunities:

We ask for members’ support in a range of our other activities, on an as needed basis:

  • Occasional additional work mornings/afternoons/evenings in the fruit and veg fields – look out for details in the weekly email
  • Education project – site preparation and support for workshop delivery
  • Publicity activities – flier distibution, publicity stalls at local events
  • Social events – annual barn dance – helping prepare the site, take tickets, serve drinks on the bar
    – other Canalside social events – plan activities, prepare food, welcome members, wash up, tend the fire, clear up afterwards

Find out more about becoming a member of Canalside

Express interest in a one month trial produce share

Buy social membership

Occasionally there may be non-member volunteer opportunities, for example for longer-term volunteering placements or internships for agricultural students. Please contact us if you’re interested.

Updated 4th March 2024