Dear Teachers

Welcome to this exciting opportunity at Canalside – educational workshop-based visits to the farm for your primary class, available between 1st April and 31st October inclusive.

Download the teacher information pack to find out about the opportunities we can offer to support the Science, Geography, Citizenship, R.E. and D.T. curricula.

Canalside teacher information pack

We are also open to discussing visits for older school groups and extra-curricular clubs/organisations.

If you are interested in booking a visit for your class or group of school-aged children/young people, please get in touch through the form on the ‘Contact us’ page.

Please note, due to the size of our site, extent of our facilities and capacity to lead group visits we can only accommodate one class-sized group at a time (maximum of approx. 30-35 children).

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Ali Jeffery

Canalside Education Project Coordinator and General Administrator for Canalside

Last updated 23rd April 2024