Kenilworth Festival on Sunday 16th May 2010

April 17, 2010 by General Administrator

I recently received this email about the upcoming ‘Kenilworth Festival’. Sounds like it could be an enjoyable way to spend a part of the day, especially if you’d like something to keep the younger members of your family busy!

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am dropping you a line to let you and your members know about an exciting event happening in Kenilworth.

On Sunday 16th May, the Kenilworth Festival “Party in the Park” will take place in the Abbey Fields, Kenilworth, from 11.30am. The event is a family fun day and admission is free.

We have just secured the BBC’s Dig In Tour who will have a 20m pitch at the event. The Dig In tour will be promoting growing your own food and giving away free seeds. In addition, there will be a demonstration tent and an activity tend, along with a Gardener’s Question Time, led by a BBC celebrity gardener. Every 20 minutes there will be a different demonstration and there will also be an opportunity to ask questions, swap tips and share recipes – everything from sow, grow, harvest and cook!

The Dig In team would love to see visitors with an interest in gardening who would like to participate in the question time sessions and see the demonstrations. The event is suitable for children too, with a chance to plant seeds and take away pots to plant at home.

Full details of the campaign are available at:

The Festival website is

We are one of only 8 tour venues in the UK.

I should be grateful if you will spread the word amongst your members – all of whom would be very welcome at our event.

If you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Julie Thomas
Kenilworth Festival (Marketing & PR)

Find us on Facebook… follow us on Twitter!

FREE HARMONY – a’cappella group CD launch

August 20, 2009 by General Administrator

Free Harmony would like to invite you to the launch of their debut cd

‘off the beaten track’

on Sunday August 23rd at Taylor John’s House, The Canal Basin, Coventry

from 7.30pm where they will be performing songs from the cd.

Tickets will be £5 on the door and limited signed copies of our cd will be on sale.

Hope to see you there

Love from Free Harmony

August 10, 2009 by General Administrator
September 12th & 13th
at the Bristol Harbourside

“The Organic Food Festival is Europe’s largest showcase of all things organic. Now in its ninth successful year, the Festival demonstrates the growth of the organic movement and the increased recognition of the role organic production can play in creating a sustainable future.

Whether you are in search of delicious organic food and drink, gorgeous skin care, fabulous fashion, organic textiles, home design, tips on organic gardening or you are looking for an entertaining family-friendly outing, this much loved festival is just what you are looking for.

The Organic Food Festival provides the chance to meet producers face to face, watch recession-busting cooking demonstrations, sample street food from Bristol’s top chefs and introduce your kids to special taste workshops designed just for them.”

Click here for more information!

June 18, 2009 by General Administrator

Saturday 4th July 2009 at 7.30pm

  • Gathering at:

27 Milverton Crescent West
Leamington Spa

  • Carriages at Midnight

  • Formal or Creative Attire

  • Glass of Bubbly and Buffet Provided

Please bring a bottle for further enjoyment…

This is a GREEN PARTY fundraiser
Suggested donations:
Generous Benefactor £12
Skint but Supportive £6

For further information, please telephone:
01926 422624
01926 332965

Storytelling at Gaia…

April 30, 2009 by General Administrator

The lovely folk at Gaia have recently sent us this poster about a new storytelling evening they are hosting on the last Thursday of every month. Bit late notice for today, but the first one is tonight… Maybe see you there sometime!

The Age of Stupid is coming to the Royal Spa Centre

April 9, 2009 by General Administrator

Well, after the Apollo cinema mysteriously pulled the plug on showing The Age of Stupid back in March, the Leamington Royal Spa Centre has come up trumps and will be showing the film on Sunday 26th and Monday 27th April, at 6pm (for more details, click on the link below).

Whether it sways you or not, apparently even Ken Livingstone was moved to say that “every single person in the country should be forcibly made to watch this film”!

So… if you possibly can, get yourselves down to the Spa Centre in a couple of weeks’ time and we’ll see you there!

The Age of Stupid at Leamington Royal Spa Centre

Master Pasta Event in Lillington

by General Administrator
All welcome to consume or to help at the Action 21/Lillington Fresh Food Group Master Pasta family food event, on Thursday April 16th from 1pm to 3pm at the Youth Centre, Mason Avenue, Lillington (next door to children’s centre near library).

Make fresh pasta, cook it and eat it with our sauces, or take away to cook at home.

Blendavenda smoothies too, and lots more…

Tell all your friends!

March 2, 2009 by General Administrator
World Water Day – would you like to get involved?

A new WaterAid campaign and fundraising group is being launched on Saturday 21st March to mark Word Water Day.

WaterAid enables the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. The scale of the problem is enormous:

  • About 1 in 8 of the world’s population do not have access to safe water
  • Almost two fifths of the people in the world do not have access to adequate safe sanitation
  • 5,000 children die everyday from diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation
  • It costs only £15 per head to provide lasting safe water, sanitation and hygiene education

WaterAid will have a stall on the Parade in Leamington to raise awareness of their work. The stall will be outside the old Woolworths shop on the Parade, between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 21st March.

Please go along to show your support. James Plaskitt MP and the press will be coming at 10.30am and it would be great to have a large number of people there. Or just turn up whenever you can.

Felix Mindham is organising the event and could do with more help on the stall – so if you would like to help out please give her a ring. She will be doing a couple of briefing sessions on the evenings of Tuesday 3rd March and Thursday 12th March.

If you are interested in getting involved but can’t manage the 21st March, there will be plenty of other opportunities.


For further information please contact Felix on:
01926 316429 or 07963 835580

February 11, 2009 by General Administrator
Palestine Fairtrade for a Sustainable Future

on Wednesday 4th March
The Herbert, Jordan Well, Coventry CV1 5QP at 12.30pm

Bath Place Community Venture, Bath Place, Leamington Spa from 5 – 7 pm

Presentation by Taysir Arabasi, who will demonstrate a positive story for change in Palestine with Fairtrade as the core message. Olive and olive oil production is often the only feasible agricultural activity that can take place on fragile and marginal lands and is a crucial alternative to abandonment or desertification. As a result of the conflict in the region, Palestinian farmers continue to face severe barriers in carrying out their normal day-to-day agricultural activities caused through restrictions on movement and water shortages which exacerbate levels of
deprivation and marginalisation.

Come along and learn more – free admission!

Sponsored by Leamington Spa Fairtrade Steering Group, Bath Place CV,
Gaia Cooperative, One World Link, Barry Johns Greengrocers.

Organic Food & Farming Talk by Ulrich Schmutz

January 21, 2009 by General Administrator
100% organic food and farming – the future for a post-oil-based farming industry?
A talk by Ulrich Schmutz

Monday February 16th

Ulrich’s career as a researcher in organic farming and horticulture shapes his take on the possibilities – and possibility – of total organic farming. He will draw on several projects he is involved with and other current and published research. He will outline the strength and weaknesses of the organic approach, and look at the fossil-fuel (aka carbon footprint) issue and other environmental economic issues of current conventional food production.

As everybody has to eat, and many grow their own food and even have some farming links, Ulrich is hoping for a lively discussion – as some of his organic-scenario thinking will demand personal lifestyle changes!

Ulrich Schmutz worked at Berlin University in Germany and as farm business consultant in East Germany before joining the HDRA research charity (new name – Garden Organic) at Ryton as an environmental economist seven years ago. He has been working on research projects with various UK Universities (including Warwick University’s organic research facility at Warwick HRI Wellesbourne). He is also visiting Professor for Organic Farming at Bolzano University, Italy.

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