July 4, 2011 by General Administrator

There are only a couple of Trad Arts Team events in August so we can all escape to the festivals, but we will be back with a full programme in September. During July we have our full range of events and sessions. If you fancy an enjoyable – and cheap – night out, you might find that one of our sessions is just the thing – and who knows you might want to jump up and do a song or a story.

To find out about other events all over the Midlands, read our Folk Monthly magazine. This costs £1 and is sold at various folk clubs and music shops in the region, or you can have it delivered through your letter box every month – there’s an annual subscription form at

Mondays 7:30pm
Weekly storytelling training, rehearsal and performance opportunities with BIRMINGHAM VOICES
Contact 0121 247 7607 or email for more info

Friday 1 July, 7:30pm
MATLOCK Storytelling Cafe
Native American storyteller, Robert Greygrass
Imperial Rooms, Matlock DE4 3N

Thursday 7 July, 8:00pm
Traditional Song Session
Kitchen Garden Café, York Road, B14 7SA

Wednesday 13 July, 7:00pm
Birmingham Voices
Storytelling at Martineau Gardens, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UG
£3 entry – feel free to bring a rug or a picnic

Sunday 17 July, 8:00pm
Traditional Music Session
Prince of Wales, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8EE

Wednesday 20 July, 7:30pm
Birmingham Storytelling Cafe
Jasna Held – Greetings from Dubrovnik
Kitchen Garden Café, York Road, B14 7SA
Tickets £7.00 from KG Café, 0121 443 4725
Doors 6:30 for delicious food and drink

Wednesday 27 July 8:00pm
Tales and Ales Storytelling session
Lamp Tavern, 157 Barford Street, Birmingham B5 6AH
Share stories in one of Birmingham’s finest real ale pubs

Sunday 21 August, 8:00pm
Traditional Music Session

Wednesday 24 August 8:00pm
Tales and Ales Storytelling session

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk Monthly magazine.

More info at

Permaculture Design Course

May 31, 2011 by General Administrator

This course will be based at Canalside site for its duration, with design projects at Canalside as well as other locations nearby. Participants will gather from 5pm on Friday 15th, with the course starting properly on Saturday 16th and finishing on Thursday 28th July. Further details below; a full course description is available from

‘During this internationally recognised certificate course we shall cover every major topic in Bill Mollison’s Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual. Living simply on the land we will be building community and experiencing new ways of connecting with each other and creatively solving problems together.

‘Accompanied by film evenings/skill shares to extend the learning, this course offers life changing new ways to positively engage with the communities and landscapes around us. An outline of topics includes:
– Philosophies and Ethics underlying permaculture
– Permaculture principals and how they shape things in general
– Patterns in Nature and how to use that in design; methods of design; how to go from a damaged piece of land to having an idea for how to move forward with it
– Climatic factors and how to work with them
– Trees, forests and why we want to mimic their systems
– Water: catchment, usage, importance and conservation
– Soil, minerals, micro-organisms, building new soil and conservation
– Permaculture Gardening
– Earthworks: How to shape the land to help it achieve the goals we are aiming for
– Aquaculture, utilising water for high efficiency production
– Natural Building
– Alternative systems: community living, and other ways of choosing to live differently that work well for people and the planet

‘Fast paced and intensive, yet creative and dynamic, the course breaks away from traditional education and is an inclusive and collective learning journey! With plenty of ‘hands on’ practical learning to back up the class studies, this course is fun and engaging for all, whether you are new to Permaculture of wishing to extend your skills.

‘On completion of this course you can practise as a Permaculture designer or go onto further studies on accredited courses.

‘£420 Certificate Course including 12 days camping and organic food.

‘For more details see or email for information pack’

Music session on 15 May / Bring Back Folkwaves Campaign

May 16, 2011 by General Administrator

There will be a traditional music session next Sunday 15 May at the Prince of Wales pub in Moseley. All musicians are welcome to come along and share a few tunes. More information on our website

If you want to help bring back the popular Folkwaves programme, presented for over 25 years by Mick Peat and Lester Simpson on BBC Radio Derby, now is your chance. Over 1,000 signatures have been collected so far on a petition for presentation to BBC Local Radio Management to show the tremendous support from East Midland BBC licence payers – but the larger the petition the better. If you would be willing to collect signatures, please download a copy of the petition from, get all your friends to sign it, and send it back to Bring Back Folkwaves Campaign, Prospect Cottage, Upper Lea, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5GR

All the best – Pam


Traditional Arts Team
19 Springfield Road
Kings Heath
B14 7DU

tel 0121 247 3856

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk
Monthly magazine.

More info at

Amnesty International – collectors needed

April 14, 2011 by General Administrator

A request from Xandra – one of our Canalside members:

We have been given permission to collect money on behalf of Amnesty International on the following dates:
Leamington Centre – Saturday 7 MAY – Organiser Xandra Gilchrist
Warwick Centre – Saturday 14 MAY – Organisers Denise Fowler and Simon Lieberman
Kenilworth Centre – Saturday 21 MAY- -Organiser Barbara Jones

If you could spare an hour [2 would be a bonus!] please contact me indicating which town and any preferred times: Tel:07796948211/01926315823


by General Administrator

April 2011

We have something for everyone in April including a music training workshop

Mondays 7:30
Weekly storytelling training, rehearsal and performance opportunities with BIRMINGHAM VOICES
Contact 0121 247 7607 or email for more info

Sunday 17 April, 8pm
Traditional Music Session
Prince of Wales, Moseley, B13 8EE

Wednesday 20 April 7:30
Birmingham Storytelling Cafe
Kitchen Garden Cafe
Tickets £7.00 from KG Cafe, 0121 443 4725
Doors 6:30 for delicious food and drink

Wednesday 27 April 8:00
Tales and Ales Storytelling session
Lamp Tavern, 157 Barford Street, Birmingham B5 6AH
Share stories in one of Birmingham’s finest real ale pubs

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk Monthly magazine. It receives support from Arts Council England.

More info at

Barn dance in Kings Heath this Saturday 26 March!

March 24, 2011 by General Administrator

This Saturday, 26 March, there will be a Barn Dance with Cuckoo’s Nest at All Saints Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Birmingham B14 7RA. Food and light refreshments available but unlicensed, so bring your own alcohol. Doors open at 7:30, dancing starts at 8pm.

If you don’t know how to do English country dancing, you will soon learn, as the caller will explain the steps before the music starts and will remind you what to do next – it is great fun, even if you get it wrong! Our caller this weekend is the fabulous Jo Freya of Blowzabella and Token Women Fame – so you will be in for a really good time.

Tickets £7 (children £3.50) from 0121 246 9873

This dance is organised jointly with All Saints Centre – more details at

We look forward to seeing you there!

Traditional Arts Team
19 Springfield Road
Kings Heath
B14 7DU

tel 0121 247 3856

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk Monthly magazine.

More info at

The Traditional Arts Team is supported by Arts Council England


March 16, 2011 by General Administrator

Here are a few music and dance events coming up shortly. For more information click through to our website.

Traditional Music Session
Sunday 20 March, 8-10pm
Prince of Wales, Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham, B13 BEE

Moseley Village Band
Thursdays 24 March, 14 April, 7:30 to 9:15
St Columba’s Church Hall, corner of Chantry Road, Birmingham B13 8D
All musicians welcome, £3 per session (first session free)

Barn Dance with Cuckoo’s Nest, caller Jo Freya
Saturday 26 March, 8-11pm
A social event for all the family, and for all ages and backgrounds. If you don’t know how to do English country dancing, you will soon learn, as Jo will explain the steps before the music starts and will remind you what to do next – it is great fun, even if you get it wrong! Food and light refreshments available but unlicensed, so bring your own alcohol. Tickets £7 (children £3.50) from 0121 246 9873

Traditional Song Session
Thursday 7 April, 8-10pm
Kitchen Garden Café, York Road, B14 7SA

Newfoundland Tunes Workshop
Sunday 10 April, 1pm to 4pm
mac, Cannon Hill Park
As a part of their Shore to Shore tour, Fergus O’Byrne and Jim Paynes will lead musicians in the playing of Newfoundland dance tunes and the steps that go with them. Presented in partnership with Wren Music and mac – there will be a full Shore to Shore concert in the evening. Tickets £12 (£10 for those holding concert tickets) from mac or call 0121 446 3232

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk Monthly magazine. It receives support from Arts Council England.

More info at

FOOD INSPIRATION ALERT – food events in Oxford this week

by General Administrator

The following food events are happening this week as part of Conversations with the Earth, Community Festival in East Oxford at the Old Bookbinders, Green Street, Oxford. See full programme below and (Please copy and paste link – thanks, Ali)

Would appreciate you emailing your food & agriculture tribe to publicise these inspiring food related events ..

thursday march 17th
7.30-10 pm at the Old Bookbinders, Green Street, East Oxford
Michel Pimbert, IIED Food and Agriculture Programme & InsightShare
How do we protect agro-biodiversity? How can international organisations contribute and what are the implications for local communities? A talk about projects in Mali, Iran and India followed by videos made by Andean community members.

saturday march 19th
FEED THE SOIL, FEED THE PLANET with the Ecology of Food Tribe
2.30 – 5.30pm
Share ideas and experiences through making collages and conversation to explore a lively food culture which honours the earth.
A Convivium within a Soil Shrine to savour a taste for change with Miche Fabre Lewin, Flora Gathorne – Hardy, Johnnie Letts, Nick Saltmarsh and friends to celebrate food, soil and community.

Join us before at noon for a nourishing Deep Soup Ceremony celebrating local organic food producers, soil and community.

Trust you can make some of these gatherings.
miche and flora


February 7, 2011 by General Administrator

Keep an eye on our new website, check out your favourite event and then have a little look round the rest of the site to see what else is going on.

Barn Dance with Cuckoos Nest and caller Jo Freya
Sat 26 March, All Saints Church Hall, Vicarage Road Birmingham B14 7RA
Doors open at 7:30, dancing starts at 8pm
Food and light refreshments available but unlicensed, so bring your own alcohol.
Tickets £7 (children £3.50) from 0121 246 9873
More info at

Newfoundland Dance Tunes workshop
And for the musicians among you, here’s advance notice of an afternoon workshop on 10 April at mac, Birmingham. As a part of their Shore to Shore tour, Fergus O’Byrne and Jim Paynes will lead musicians in the playing of Newfoundland dance tunes and the steps that go with them. We’re organising this event with Wren Music and mac. Tickets are £12, and there’s more info at

Transition Town Leamington Poetry and Music Evening

January 14, 2011 by General Administrator

Saturday January 22nd at 7.30 pm

Newbold Comyn Arms, Newbold Terrace East,
Leamington Spa CV32 4EU
opposite the Leisure Centre, 01926-338810 – “The House” (not the stables bar )

George – the eco-poet
Graham and Stuart – the blues players
Mota Singh – the voice of the Punjab
The Eco-worriers
and more…

Entrance is free
Come and enjoy yourselves and celebrate the depths of winter

Any queries contact Gitta Ashworth on 01926-316703

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