May 3, 2012 by General Administrator

This month we have the opening of a new Storytelling Café in Worcester and a traditional music workshop with the multi-talented Alistair Anderson.  As well as listing all our May events there is advance notice of a community storytelling festival in June.

Thursday 3 May 8:00pm
Traditional song session, Kings Heath

Sunday 13 May 11am – 5pm
Traditional music workshop with Alistair Anderson
Open to all musicians but only a few tickets left

Sunday 13 May 8:00pm
Alistair Anderson in concert
Tower Of Song, Kings Norton

Tuesday 15 May 7:30pm
Wednesbury Storytelling Café

Wednesday 16 May 7:30pm
Birmingham Storytelling Café

Sunday 20 May 8:00pm
Traditional music session, Moseley

Monday 21 May 7:30pm
Worcester Storytelling Café
Opening night with GRAHAM LANGLEY

Wednesday 23 May 8:00pm
Tales and Ales storytelling session
The Lamp Tavern

Friday 22 and Saturday 23 June
Martineau Gardens Storytelling Festival

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk Monthly magazine. More info at


April 10, 2012 by General Administrator

The Traditional Arts Team brings a very special guest to Birmingham on Sunday 13 May. Alistair Anderson is internationally recognized as the master of the English Concertina and one of the leading performers on the Northumbrian Pipes. He delights audiences with the lyrical slow airs and lively dance tunes of Northumberland and with his own music, which has grown out of his love of traditional music. He will perform at the music venue Tower of Song at 8pm, with support from local singers.

Admission £7, tickets from 0121 247 3856 or, more info at

Alistair will also lead a traditional music workshop for all instruments during the day. Tickets for the workshop are £20 and must be booked in advance. More info at

Here are our regular music and song events:

Moseley Village Band
Thursdays 12 & 26 April, 10 & 24 May, 7:30 to 9:15
St Columba’s Church Hall, corner of Chantry Road, Birmingham B13 8D
All musicians welcome, £3 per session (first session free)

Traditional Music Session
Sundays 15 April and 20 May, 8-10pm
Prince of Wales, Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham, B13 BEE

Traditional Song Session
Thursday 3 May, 8-10pm
Kitchen Garden Café, York Road, B14 7SA

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk Monthly magazine.

More info at

Community engagement feedback and next visit to Foundry Wood!

April 5, 2012 by General Administrator
Hello all,

Please see below for details of our next work party at the woodland and some feedback from the initial community consultation.

When: Sunday 15th April 11am – 3pm
What: Clearing brambles (and other weeds before they start to get out of control!)
Where: Meet at Victoria Park Car park (opposite the entrance to the tip on Princes Drive)
Please note: Gloves and Tools will be provided, please wear appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear. BTCV (British Trust of Conservation Volunteers) are kindly supplying tools so please let us know in advance if you plan to come along so we can ensure we have enough equipment to go round!

As before, it’s a great opportunity to come look at the woodland if you’ve not been as well as get involved and help with the transformation of the site!

Community Woodland  Consultation – feedback so far and the site has a name….

We’d like to thank everyone who came along to their consultation evenings last month, filled in the survey or gave their feedback and suggestions for the woodland that is being created as part of the Ford Foundry redevelopment.
Plans for activities on site are currently being drawn up and we have taken on board the suggestions of nature trails, designated wildlife areas, outdoor education spaces, wild play areas (amongst many others!) We’ll hopefully have a site map/drawing soon.
By far the most popular name for the area was ‘Foundry Wood’ – which is both simple and appropriate given the location of the site.
In the coming months a new website will be launched, and we’ll be creating a ‘Friends of Foundry Wood’ group. If you would like to get involved or learn more in the meantime, please visit  continue to visit

Many thanks

Kristie Naimo


March 26, 2012 by General Administrator

This month includes all of our regular events for April plus advance notice of a music concert in May. To see information about these events and much more about Folk events in the Midlands why not subscribe to our magazine Folk Monthly at

Friday 30 March, 7:30pm
Matlock Storytelling Café

Thursday 5 April, 8:00pm
Traditional song session

Sunday 15 April, 8pm
Traditional music session

Wednesday 18 April, 7:30pm
Birmingham Storytelling Café

Wednesday 25 April, 8:00pm
Tales and Ales storytelling session

Sunday 13 May, 8:00pm
Alistair Anderson in concert

The Traditional Arts Team runs activities in the Midlands relating to traditional song, music, storytelling and dance, and publishes the Folk Monthly magazine. More info at

Earth Hour 2012

March 22, 2012 by General Administrator

Time: March 31, 2012 from 8:30pm to 9:30pm

Location: Everywhere

Organized By: WWF and others

Event Description:

People around the world coming together to celebrate and show we care about our brilliant planet by turning off the lights for an hour.

Find out more


March 14, 2012 by General Administrator

“See through the spin to really go green!” That will be the message that TV celebrity architect Charlie Luxton will be giving in Shipston on Wednesday 21 March, when he speaks at the Shipston Community Energy Fair.

Charlie Luxton is the presenter and “architectural expert” for many TV programmes including 2011 DIY SOS: The Big Build (BBC1) and Britain’s Hidden Heritage (BBC1), and he has many years’ practical experience as an architect in the design of environmental buildings. He is currently working on a programme for BBC2, Rebuilding Britain, which will be aired later this year. At home he has helped start Hook Norton Low Carbon, a community co-operative that has invested over £400,000 into village-wide carbon reduction schemes. This includes green-furbishing thirty houses, creating a car pool, installing a 12kW solar array on the local school and exploring the potential for a community wind turbine.

“Seeing Through the Spin to Really Go Green” Charlie Luxton’s talk will take place at 7.30 Wednesday 21st March Townsend Hall, Sheep Street, Shipston (as part of the Shipston Community Energy Fair) The Community Energy Fair, which is being organised by local energy advice charity Act on Energy & Transition Shipston, will showcase the work of local organisations and energy businesses. There will be the chance to find out more about different types of insulation, heating, lighting and renewable energy technologies – all things that can help improve energy efficiency in the home.

The Community Energy Fair will be open from 4pm to 9pm and entry is free. Energy costs have doubled in the past five years and are likely to continue to rise in the future, making energy efficiency increasingly important, both environmentally and financially. Transition Shipston has recently organised an energy study of the town with support from Shipston-on-Stour Town Council. Dave Passingham from Transition Shipston, one of the authors of the report, said: “Our study showed the importance of improving energy efficiency in the town, so the energy fair will give people a great opportunity to find out more about this.”

For more information about Shipston’s Community Energy Fair, or the programme of energy fairs which Act on Energy is organising across Stratford District during March, contact Roger Matthews on 01789 298503 or e-mail him at

Community woodland in Leamington – have your say and get involved!

March 5, 2012 by General Administrator

Community Group ARC CIC are assisting the developers of the former Ford Foundry in Leamington to deliver a green triangle of land at the back of the site as a ‘community woodland’.

To have your say on what you think the space could be used for, please complete the survey here ( or come along to one of our public consultation evenings:

Thurs 8th March Leamington Town Hall 7pm

Weds 14th March Bath Place 7pm


Practical activities will also start on the site from March:

Willow Hedge Planting Days –

What: Planting a willow hedge along the railway line fences in the community woodland.

When: Sat 3rd, Sun 18th & Sun 25th March Time: 11am – 3pm

Where: Meet at Victoria Park car park at 11am

(If you can’t make it for that time, phone Kath: 07814 605 245 so she can come and meet you.)

If the Willow planting is completed – we’ll be clearing brambles and creating a compost heap!

Wildlife Trusts evening

February 24, 2012 by General Administrator


There is an open meeting of the Leamington Society at 7.30 on Thur April 26th 2012 at the Leamington Spa Pump Rooms.

Mike Bunney, the Chairman of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, will give an illustrated talk on wildlife trusts (the movement is 100 years old) and especially Warwickshire (50 years old).

Entry £2.

Yours, Gitta

Take part in Compost Awareness week with Garden Organic!

February 23, 2012 by General Administrator

Compost Awareness Week is fast approaching and this year Garden Organic will be running two competitions to raise awareness of the benefits of composting organic waste and using compost in the garden.

  • A Poster Competition: be imaginative and creative to produce an A4 sized poster which advertises compost awareness week and the painted bin competition.
  • Secondly a painted compost bin competition: hold your own competition amongst friends, family, community groups, allotment associations or schools.  Be creative and make sure you send us a picture of your bin.

Entry to both competitions is open to all ages and abilities.  Please send entries either by email or post to the address below stating your name, age, address and contact telephone number (include school/organisation if sending as a group).

Deadlines for entry to the competitions are 31st March for the Poster Competition and 12th May for the Painted Bin Competition.  Garden Organic experts with a team of Master Composters will judge entries to both competitions.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both competitions.

Entry by post:  Composting Competition, Sustainable Waste Team, Garden Organic, Ryton, Coventry, CV8 3LG.

Entry by email:

Coventry Community Supported Agriculture – initial meeting

February 6, 2012 by General Administrator

Launch Meeting
Thursday 9 February 2012
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Methodist Central Hall,
Bull Yard, Coventry, CV1 2HA

Want to grow your own veg?
• Not enough time for an allotment?
• Not got access to space for growing?
• But you still want fresh, local, organic veg?

Come along to find out about a new Community Supported Agriculture scheme, just outside Coventry: an exciting new way of being involved in growing fresh organic veg. It’s simple: buy a share – get a share of the harvest of tasty veg each week.

Transition Coventry is helping to set up this scheme at Ryton (on land owned by Garden Organic). Come and find out about it! It’s a scheme run by the community for the community, involving everyone in the growing (through helping out a few times a year) and celebrating local food!

Meet Gareth Davies who was instrumental in helping Canalside Growers get up and running – a successful scheme for 100 families in Leamington Spa. Have a look at their website:

If you are able, please come along on Thursday 9 February. If you can’t make the meeting but you are interested, please let us know: email us at or contact Jo on 024 7667 8735. We can put you on the mailing list for more information.

Coventry Ryton CSA initial meeting flyer dg

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