Canalside annual barn dance – date now set!

March 19, 2012 by General Administrator

The Annual Canalside Barn Dance will take place on Saturday 7th July 2012. Further details including ticket prices and where to buy them will be posted here when available. Members and non-members are all welcome!

Rhythm circle at Canalside Social Area – open to members and non-members

October 14, 2011 by General Administrator

Organised by a small group of Canalside members, and held at the project site

2nd Friday of the month in 2011, 7.30pm for 8pm start

This adults-only rhythm circle will be held on the Friday nearest the full moon each month. If the weather is good, we will be round a fire; if the weather’s rainy, we will be in the pole barn.

We invite you to bring your own percussion instruments (including home-made) if you have any. A number of West African drums and rattles will also be available to play. We welcome both experienced and new rhythm-makers, so don’t worry if you’ve never had a go before – just come along, have a bash and enjoy the experience!

You are also welcome to bring snacks and drinks, for yourselves or to share, after we have made beautiful music together!

Here’s the key info:

  • Second Friday of every month
    • Friday 14th October
    • Friday 11th November
    • Friday 9th December
  • Social area of Canalside Community Food (please use Canaside entrance) – directions
  • 7.30pm arrival to help light the fire and set up the space, for 8pm start
  • Cost: £2 for Canalside members, £4 for non-members
Look forward to seeing you there!
Caz, Sam & Lucy xxx

Canalside at Leamington Food and Drink Festival

September 7, 2011 by General Administrator

Come and find us this weekend on stall 73 at the Food and Drink Festival.

We will have a special offer for people who subscribe to a regular weekly veg share at the festival, and a range of freshly harvested, locally grown, organic vegetables will be available to buy on both days.

Come and talk to members and growers about the project and find out about how to get involved!

Rhythm circle at Canalside – open to members and non-members

August 30, 2011 by General Administrator

These last couple of months have seen the piloting of a new rhythm circle at Canalside, and we now feel ready and excited to open it up to anyone else who might be interested in coming along. That’s you… and anyone else you think could be up for it!

Picture the scene: a group of rhythm-makers round a blazing fire at the Canalside social area… drums, rattles, all kinds of percussion instruments, some home made or improvised…a fantastic session of rhythm-making under the evening sky… maybe dancing and fire poi … sharing food and drink … sound like your kind of thing?

As of October, this adults-only rhythm circle will be held monthly on the Friday nearest the full moon (for September the date is this coming Friday 2nd). If the weather is good, we will be round a fire in the social area of Canalside. If the weather’s rainy, we will be in the lovely pole barn.

We invite you to bring your own percussion instruments (including home-made) if you have any. A number of West African drums and rattles will also be available to play. We welcome both experienced and new rhythm-makers, so don’t worry if you’ve never had a go before – just come along, have a bash and enjoy the experience!

You are also welcome to bring snacks and drinks, for yourselves or to share, after we have made beautiful music together!

Here’s the important info you need to know:
Where? Canalside social area
When? taking us to the end of 2011:
Fri 2nd September;
Fri 14th October;
Fri 11th November;
Fri 9th December
What time? 7.30 for 8pm start (we shall be on site from 7.30pm setting up lighting the fire etc, so please come help if you can)
How much? £2 for Canalside members (to cover wear and tear of Sam’s beautiful West African drums), £4 non-members

If you’re interested in coming along, please let me (Caz) know as we need to have an idea of numbers. My email address is – please also feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Caz, Sam & Lucy xxx

Canalside Peace Festival stall

June 11, 2011 by General Administrator

Come and find Canalside members, growers and steering group members on our stall at the Peace Festival – Saturday 18th – Sunday 19th June. We will have a wide range of organically raised veg plants available to buy to grow on at home, as well as the opportunity to find out more about the project, sign up for veg shares and trial veg shares, and more!

Permaculture Design Course

May 31, 2011 by General Administrator

This course will be based at Canalside site for its duration, with design projects at Canalside as well as other locations nearby. Participants will gather from 5pm on Friday 15th, with the course starting properly on Saturday 16th and finishing on Thursday 28th July. Further details below; a full course description is available from

‘During this internationally recognised certificate course we shall cover every major topic in Bill Mollison’s Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual. Living simply on the land we will be building community and experiencing new ways of connecting with each other and creatively solving problems together.

‘Accompanied by film evenings/skill shares to extend the learning, this course offers life changing new ways to positively engage with the communities and landscapes around us. An outline of topics includes:
– Philosophies and Ethics underlying permaculture
– Permaculture principals and how they shape things in general
– Patterns in Nature and how to use that in design; methods of design; how to go from a damaged piece of land to having an idea for how to move forward with it
– Climatic factors and how to work with them
– Trees, forests and why we want to mimic their systems
– Water: catchment, usage, importance and conservation
– Soil, minerals, micro-organisms, building new soil and conservation
– Permaculture Gardening
– Earthworks: How to shape the land to help it achieve the goals we are aiming for
– Aquaculture, utilising water for high efficiency production
– Natural Building
– Alternative systems: community living, and other ways of choosing to live differently that work well for people and the planet

‘Fast paced and intensive, yet creative and dynamic, the course breaks away from traditional education and is an inclusive and collective learning journey! With plenty of ‘hands on’ practical learning to back up the class studies, this course is fun and engaging for all, whether you are new to Permaculture of wishing to extend your skills.

‘On completion of this course you can practise as a Permaculture designer or go onto further studies on accredited courses.

‘£420 Certificate Course including 12 days camping and organic food.

‘For more details see or email for information pack’

Canalside Barn Dance, Sat 9th July – tickets now on sale!

May 9, 2011 by General Administrator

Summer is in the air and that means our Barn Dance is on the horizon, with July 9th fast approaching! Tickets are now on sale!

Make your way to Gaia, or leave your order with payment by cash or cheque (payable to Canalside Community Food Ltd) in my blue pigeon hole in the yurt.
Adults: £8, £6 Canalside members
Children under 12 free

Free camping available on-site to anyone who is attending.

It was a fab night last year, and I have high expectations for an equally good night this year.

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