What to do with a glut of courgettes!

July 25, 2013 by General Administrator

Well, the courgettes are certainly loving the hot weather we’ve been having and have been growing like crazy, meaning slightly overwhelming amounts in the share at the moment. I hope you’re enjoying this summer abundance. If you’re struggling to know what to do with them at the moment, here are some ideas to help you.

Yellow patty pan squash can be used in any of these recipes – they have a flavour that is just like a green courgette and can be used in exactly the same way.

Sauteed potato and courgette

Pan-fried courgette risotto

Tuscan vegetable soup

Courgette and potato soup

Courgette and hazelnut twist (bread)

Courgette fritters

Lemon courgette cake

A plethora of courgette recipes can be found at Veg Box Recipes:

Particularly tasty looking ones are:
Jam packed summer vegetable risotto – calls for broad beans so make it now with the last of this season’s!
http://www.vegbox-recipes.co.uk/recipes/savoy-cabbage-recipe-3.php (the ingredients don’t list savoy cabbage!)

Chocolate courgette cake

And this Courgette soup should be noted as it calls for 1kg of courgettes for 4 people! That’s just about a whole week’s share used in one go!

How to freeze courgettes/patty pan summer squash
Cut into rounds about 5cm thick. Blanch for 3 minutes and freeze. What a great summery addition to put in mid-winter soups! (They will go mushy so won’t be suitable for much else. You can also freeze blended courgette soup, though you might find the texture changes slightly in the freezer.)
From: http://www.vegetableexpert.co.uk/how-freeze-keep-vegetables-you-ve-grown.html

I’ve also been experimenting with drying courgette slices. They take 2-3 days when sliced about 3-4mm thick and placed on a rack on a hot sunny windowsill or outside in the sun. Put a food cover over them to keep the flies off. They’re almost papery when fully dry. Store in an airtight container until needed.