Rob’s Recipe of the Week: A Salad Addition

July 15, 2021 by General Administrator

There’s a lot of salad in the share at the moment, so I thought I would share a tip I have recently adopted for bulking out salads with minimal effort – homemade breadcrumbs. Once baked they should store in an airtight container for 1 to 6 months, depending what source you believe. It’s a simple one, but very effective!

Bread, ideally leftover to minimise waste (i’ve been using bread buns post BBQ)
Optional flavouring ideas (per cup of bread crumbs):
½ teaspoon salt
⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon dried mixed herbs


  1. Break bread up into a food processor and blend until desired crumb size is achieved.
  2. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes, turning during cooking if necessary.
  3. Cool on baking sheet out of oven.
  4. Fill jar, minimising airspace and store in a cool dry place until needed (I use them most lunchtimes at the moment!)