Recipe of the Week: Chocolate Brownies with a golden twist

February 11, 2021 by General Administrator

Thanks to veg member Xandra for suggesting this recipe all the way back in September. When I needed a recipe today, and saw there’s golden beetroot in the share next week, this unused recipe sprang to mind. All sizes of share will have enough beets for this recipe with some to spare. You could also use this week’s more conventional red beetroot with dark chocolate for a luxury brownie.

White Chocolate and Golden Beetroot Brownie

250g white chocolate
250g unsalted butter
150g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
250g golden beetroot, cooked
250g organic granulated sugar
3 eggs

Grease and line with parchment paper a 10in square baking tin.

Melt the butter and add the white chocolate and stir until the chocolate starts to melt, be careful not to overheat the chocolate as it will start to split. Blend the cooked beetroot to a puree and add to the butter and chocolate and stir.

If you have one, place in an electric mixer, and using the paddle attachment add the sugar and eggs and mix until pale and light in colour. Otherwise do the same with a traditional mixing bowl and wooden spoon.

Slowly add the chocolate mix in 3 batches, mix thoroughly, then add the sieved flour, baking powder.

Pour into the baking tin and bake for 25 mins at 160°c or until golden brown, you want it to still have a slight wobble.

Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack, once cool, remove from the tin and slice into portions, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve.

Adapted from