Half way there, to our target to buy the land!

June 12, 2018 by General Administrator

We are now in the final phase of our community investment opportunity and we want to say a HUGE MASSIVE THANKYOU to everyone who has come on board to be part of this amazing project that we’ve been working on for the last 2 years.

WE ARE NOW HALF WAY THERE!! We are thrilled that over 60 of you (households and individuals) have invested and become part of the community in this way and we have raised around £55,000 already! THANK YOU SO MUCH and WELCOME to being a share holder!

**The offer period runs from 19th MAY – 29th JUNE and so with 17 days to go we are ramping up the energy so we can meet our goal. We can only make this happen if we make our total of £105,000.

We invite you to invest and become part of our successful, inspiring and sustainable CSA as we enter our second decade and be part of this unique and exciting opportunity for us to share the ownership of the land co-operatively (that we currently rent) and secure and preserve it for the use of community farming for the future.

Visit: https://www.canalsidecommunityfood.org.uk/share-offer/ for all the information on what being a share holder means.

You can invest anything from £50 for one share up to £10,000. You can also simply donate if £50 is too much of a stretch at this time. You do not even have to be a member – this offer is open to anyone who would like to make an ethical investment in this way, so please tell your friends, families and networks who would be interested.

Why should I invest?

– to safe guard the land for local organic food production until the end of time!
– to be a steward of the land and care for the natural environment, to offset your carbon footprint!
– to support a space that provides local, seasonal and organic food production
– to support a space that provides community education and access to local green space

Here’s a video from our four fab Canalside founders, Caz and Tom Ingall, Gareth Davies and Judy Steele, telling us about why they think this kind of ethical investment is the way forward.

How can I help?

We need to raise another £50 K! It’s a 2 step process –
1) Visit this link https://www.canalsidecommunityfood.org.uk/share-offer/ read the document and click on the relevant application form
2) You will be contacted by us to then make your payment into the bank account. SIMPLES!

– DONATE – if you don’t wish to buy a share, or the stretch is too much at this time then any amount is very gratefully received.

– SPREAD THE WORD – you don’t have to be a member or even live locally to become a share holder. Anyone interested in ethical investment can partake – we have flyers, leaflets and all the information is on our website.

– Help us create SOCIAL MEDIA MOMENTUM – like/comment/share the posts from us – it really helps! We will be posting mightily over the coming days and the more momentum we can build up online the better. Please share our posts, and tell your networks about why you love Canalside/CSA’s and why you are investing.

Thank you so much for reading and for all your support!