Rebecca’s recipe of the week: Mexican Courgettes

July 7, 2017 by General Administrator

This spectacularly easy dish has a delicate flavour combining the sweet scent of cloves and cinnamon with a little bite from the chillies. Very delicious with rice or some grilled fish.
Calabacitas con crema (Courgettes in Cream)
Serves 4-6

700g courgettes, cut into smallish cubes
500ml tomatoes (tinned are fine)
6 peppercorns
4 sprigs of coriander
2cm length of cinnamon stick
4 cloves
2 whole green chillies
100ml creme fraiche or soured cream
salt to taste

Put all the ingredients into a sturdy pan with a lid. Cook over low heat, covered, for about half an hour, or until the vegetables are very soft and tender. Stir it from time to time to ensure it’s not sticking at the bottom. Add some water if it looks very dry. Once the vegetables are soft and toothsome it’s ready to eat.
(Recipe adapted from Diana Kennedy, The Essential Cuisines of Mexico.)