Rebecca’s recipe of the week: Broad Beans and Bacon

June 30, 2017 by General Administrator

Broad beans, bacon and spring onions: a perfect combination of earthy, lively and sharp flavours.
Delia Smith’s Classic Broad Bean Salad
Serves 2, according to Delia. I think you could eat this all by yourself.

For the Dressing
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon mustard powder
2 tablespoons lemon juice (or a combination of lemon juice and white wine vinegar)
4 tablespoons olive oil
For the Rest of the Salad
2 rashers of streaky bacon
700g broad beans in their pods
2 tablespoons chopped herbs (parsely, oregano and/or marjoram are good)
4 spring onions, sliced
pepper to taste

Prepare the dressing: crush the garlic with a little salt in a mortar and pestle. Add the mustard powder and lemon juice (or lemon juice and vinegar) and whisk in the oil. Set aside while you prepare the rest of the salad.

Cook the bacon until it’s crisp and crumble it into small pieces. Set it aside.

Shell the beans. Bring a small amount of water to a boil and add the beans. Cook them until just tender—perhaps 3 minutes is all they’ll need. Drain them and toss them while still warm with the dressing.

When they’re cool toss them with the bacon, herbs and spring onions. Season to taste with pepper and more salt.

(Adapted from Delia Smith, Complete Cookery Course.)