Foundry Wood draft drawing and next work party Sunday 20th May

May 10, 2012 by General Administrator

Hello all,

Thanks for your ongoing support of Foundry Wood. Just to keep you up to date – below is a drawing of the vision for the woodland site.
Foundry Wood – draft drawing

A more formal planning application has been submitted this week but the attached gives you an idea of what we hope to achieve. If you have any further queries or would like details of a specific project – please get in touch with Kath or myself.

Also, the next work party on site is later this month:

When: Sunday 20th May, 11am – 3pm
Where: Meet at Victoria Park Car park on Princes Drive opposite the entrance to the tip. If you can’t make it for 11, please phone Kath on 07814 605 245 and she will come and meet you
What: Levelling the ground where we’ve cleared the brambles (so a bit of digging), planting some wildflowers plus a few other jobs depending on weather!

Please wear sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing, tools will be provided as well as Tea/Coffee and biscuits!

Hope to see you soon


Kristie Naimo
07906 262 364