October 3, 2011 by General Administrator

We have two dances coming up, so make sure you get your tickets in advance.

Saturday 15 October, 8-11pm Barn Dance with Cuckoo’s Nest, caller John Shakespeare

All Saints Centre, Vicarage Road, Birmingham B14 7RA

A social event for all the family, and for all ages and backgrounds. If you don’t know how to do English country dancing, you will soon learn, as the caller will explain the steps before the music starts and will remind you what to do next – it is great fun, even if you get it wrong!

Tickets £7 (children £3.50) from 0121 246 9873

Organised jointly with All Saints Centre, this dance will celebrate the opening of the new Village Square in Kings Heath.

More details at

Saturday 12 November, 8-11pm Ceilidh with Cuckoo’s Nest, caller Alex McClure

Holy Name Parish Centre, 9 Cross Lane, Great Barr, Birmingham B43 6LN

Part of the Big National Ceilidh – in cities, towns and villages all over the country, thousands of people will be dancing to the music of live bands. Each event will be locally organised and distinctive, but the proceeds from all the events will be given to a single, hugely worthwhile, charity, WaterAid.

Tickets £7 from Val Comery 0121 358 2502

Presented by the Traditional Arts Team in partnership with Holy Name Parish Centre and Glorishears of Brummagem.

More details at