US regulation HR875 and its impact on sustainable food systems

April 9, 2009 by General Administrator

Canalside member and fellow blogger, Elizabeth, recently forwarded on the below link about the new ‘Food Safety & Modernization Act of 2009’ that was introduced in the USA in February this year. This new proposal (as it still is) seeks to set in place heavy bureaucratic hoops for small producers to jump through, leading to the very likely destruction of small-scale and truly sustainable food production systems such as farmer’s markets and CSAs. Cynics will certainly pick up on the point that the woman behind this Act, Rosa Delauro, is married to a political consultant who has worked with Monsanto in the past – need I say more?

We are not in America, so this may well not affect us now, but who’s to say this draconian proposal won’t find its way across the pond at some point…?

HR875 – The Death of Farmer’s Markets, CSAs and Local Food