February 11, 2009 by General Administrator
Palestine Fairtrade for a Sustainable Future

on Wednesday 4th March
The Herbert, Jordan Well, Coventry CV1 5QP at 12.30pm

Bath Place Community Venture, Bath Place, Leamington Spa from 5 – 7 pm

Presentation by Taysir Arabasi, who will demonstrate a positive story for change in Palestine with Fairtrade as the core message. Olive and olive oil production is often the only feasible agricultural activity that can take place on fragile and marginal lands and is a crucial alternative to abandonment or desertification. As a result of the conflict in the region, Palestinian farmers continue to face severe barriers in carrying out their normal day-to-day agricultural activities caused through restrictions on movement and water shortages which exacerbate levels of
deprivation and marginalisation.

Come along and learn more – free admission!

Sponsored by Leamington Spa Fairtrade Steering Group, Bath Place CV,
Gaia Cooperative, One World Link, Barry Johns Greengrocers.